small world play

Start of the Year Classroom Set Up

Setting up the learning space for new students is one of my favourite things to do. You never know what learning opportunities will catch their attention and interest, so I aim to set up a range of invitations in the hopes that I can learn about the types of materials and resources they are drawn to as well as their interests.

In this week’s post you will find snapshots of how I set up our classroom for the first days of kindergarten. Once I get to know the children and their interests, I will change and adapt the learning experiences.

I strive to include invitations that focus on fine motor, small world play, dramatic play, building, and creating.   Next week, I’ll let you know how these opportunities to learn turned out.

Classroom Space Photos

Before I started to set-up the room

Room Zones and Initial Invitations

Room Views

Above Locker Area – loose parts collection and Art pieces

Children are miracles…. We must remember it is our job; to create, with reverence and gratitude, a space that is worthy of a miracle. – Anita Rui Olds

Happy Teaching,


Coming up in the next post – how did the children respond.

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Hi I'm Lynda

I share teaching tips, strategies, lesson experiences and classroom snapshots to support your 3 to 6 year old learners. 

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