Singing in the Classroom

Singing in the Rain Classroom

I love to use songs and rhymes in the classroom.  They help create a sense of community and are just plain fun.  I also find that the repetition of these tunes builds confidence and invites participation, especially for my English Language Learners.

 I use them for transition times – you know those times when you are returning from recess and some children are as fast as lightning and others not so much.  I will often start our circle meeting with a song book or a song video (yes, Jack Hartman is one of my favourites), this allows me to maximize our time and those that are still at the cubbies storing their outside clothing can still hear the songs even though they have not yet made it to the meeting rug.

Now, I know some people are hesitant about their singing voice – let me tell you – don’t be worried.  Your students love you and your voice.  They are not going to critique or judge you.  They will be thrilled with the feelings of togetherness that the songs and rhymes will provide them.

In addition to the classic nursery rhymes and songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, here are a couple of my favourite song books. 

The Cat Came Back

The Lady with the Alligator Purse


You can also check out the YouTube site for Jack Hartman and The Learning Station songs.

Happy Singing,


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