Every couple of weeks I do a room refresh to include learning experiences that will support the upcoming topics and areas of focus. Miss N, my student intern switched out some of the invitations this week to support her lessons. In the photos below you will see some of the invitations in action.
Room Refresh Photos

This invitation invites children to create a self-portrait.

Book Recommendations for Feelings
Miss N has been exploring books about feelings with the children. Two books that the children really connected with are Ruby Has a Worry and Theo’s Mood.

Ruby Has a Worry is about a little girl who has a worry. It starts off small and then grows and grows until it is all she can think about. When Ruby befriends a young boy, she discovers that everyone has worries and that there’s a ways to get rid of them.
Theo’s Mood is about a young boy who doesn’t know whether he’s in a good mood or a bad mood. He has a new baby sister, and he isn’t just happy like Eric who got a new bike or sad like April who lost her dog. As Theo’s classmates discuss all their feelings, he realizes he’s not in a good mood or a bad mood—he’s both those things! We found that the children connected to the pictures and really enjoyed talking about their feelings.
Happy Teaching and Learning,