Are you looking for engaging read-alouds about friendship and point of view. Here are the books I have explored with my Grade 1 students over the last week. These were the perfect books about friendship and point of view as we had just returned from spring break and prior to the break some of my students were not always being kind to their classmates. Read on to learn more about these kid-approved read-aloud books.
My Recommendations for Read-alouds about Friendship and Point of View

Grumpy Bird – Jeremy Tankard
My students loved the facial expressions on grumpy bird. We talked about the importance of the words we use with our friends as well as our tone of voice.
I Need a Hug – Aaron Blabey
My students loved the surprise ending. We talked about how friendship can be with someone with similar interests or someone quite opposite.
Grumpy Cat – Britta Techentrup
My students noticed right away that the reason grumpy cat was grumpy was that he was lonely. This led to a great discussion about noticing our classmates and taking care to include everyone, not just your best friends. You will need to read this one to find out if grumpy cat remains that way or does he find a friend.
Night Animals – Gianna Marino
A simple book about not jumping to conclusions. This led to a lovely discussion about our identity.
Good News Bad News – Jeff Mack
Another simple text book that led to a discussion on perspective. What one person considers good might be considered not so good by someone else. It is also a great book to talk about looking at the glass half-full.
That is Not a Good Idea – Mo Willems
This book was one of our favourites. The familiar characters of a wolf and duck and supper allowed the children to use their background knowledge about familiar wolf stories to makes some predictions. If you haven’t read this one yet, put it on your list. You and your students will love it!
Clean my Teeth -Jo Windsor
This is a beginning reader book and easy for the students to read independently. This book reinforced our conversations about the words we use, our tone and using manners.
Fox on the Wall – Jill Eggleton
This is from the same beginning reader collection. The discussion from this book led to watching out for your friends.
Greedy Mouse – Jill Eggleton
Another book from the beginning reader collection. Two characters, the greedy mouse and the hungry mouse. Our discussions focused on the choices we make. One of my more quiet students added his thoughts about karma to the discussion. He said that the negative actions bring about negative results – such an insightful comment from a very simple text.
Do you have favourite read-alouds about friendship and point of view that I can add to my list?
Happy Learning,
2 Responses
Ghana Education service Had their break for all schools on 10th April this year. Currently I and the kids had travel for the long break. We will resume on 30th April, whereas others will resume on 7th of May, 2024
Hi Peter
Wishing you a smooth start to your next session.