Providing children with time to explore, create, image and direct their own play provides them with multiple opportunities to become future innovators.
Why does innovation matter
Amanda Morgan from states that “innovation is the greatest resource of our time. The most successful doctors, business leaders, teachers, technology giants, parents, engineers, (and on and on and on) stand out because of their ability to do things differently.”
When we give children time to play, they are able to make decisions, to problem solve, to create and to collaborate. They can ask and answer their own questions. What shall I do right now? Where shall I play? Who might I want to invite to play with me or do I want to explore on my own?
When we preselect where children play or set rotational timers, we reduce the innovation that could be taking place.
If you were to visit our classroom, you would see multiple areas of the room being used by the children. These are materials and areas that are self-selected by the children. Here you would see children creating, collaborating, problem-solving and becoming future innovators.
Future Innovators in Action

Happy Teaching and Learning,