I love going to the library to pick up my favourite classroom resources. I am overjoyed when I unintentionally find New to Me books that will support my monthly teaching plans.
New to Me Book Finds for January
Bob, Not Bob! written by Liz Garton Scanlon and Audrey Vernick. If you have recently had a cold you will be able to relate to this book. Louie has a cold that results in a stuffed nose and the inability to say words as clearly as intended. I love the simple illustrations and the word confusion that takes place as Louie attempts to communicate his wants and needs with his family. I’m sure my students will love it!

Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution written by Pat Miller. I love how the definition is explained and demonstrated by the characters in this book. “A resolution is a promise you make to yourself to be better or to help others.” An excellent book to teach young learners about resolutions. When we return to classes this week, I will be using this bookk to discuss goal setting with my Grade 1 students.

The Bug on the Rug written by Marv Alinas. The perfect book to review rhyming with my Grade 1 students. Simple illustrations that pop with colour are guaranteed to engage my learners as we review words that rhyme with “ug”.

How Long is a Year? written by Claire Clark. I love books from the Pebble Plus series. Fantastic graphics and photographs that support the simply explained concept. When planning to discuss patterns in the world around us, this book will be perfect. It will also support our discussions about measuring time.

Have you found any New to You books for your January teaching plans? If yes, I would love to add your ideas to my teaching toolbox.
Happy Learning,