I am very fortunate to work in a school that allows me to meet children where they are at. Every classroom has learners that are diverse in their needs as well as their strengths. I suspect that if I was focusing my teaching using a predetermined pacing guide or curriculum map that there would be many children who would be frustrated. I also believe that there would also be some children feeling unchallenged.
Planning to Meet Children Where They Are At
Planning for the diverse needs in the classroom is not easy. It takes time and a thoughtful approach. A teacher needs time to consider the various needs and strengths of their students. The teacher then plans learning activities and experiences that support and move all children along their learning journey. Teachers need to know their curriculum outcome end goals and to then have flexibility in their plans as they support children along the path. Meeting students where they are at is a fundamental pillar in my thinking.
This week many of my students have started to take a keen interest in letters and sounds. Some have also expressed the desire to communicate through writing. The best way to support young writers is to offer a risk-free environment that is supported by the explicit teaching of letters and sounds. They have also been exploring shapes and how you might play with the shapes to form something new.
Letter and Sound Exploration

Shape and Balance Exploration

How do you meet students where they are at?
Happy Learning,