We have been learning about how the buffalo helped people meet their needs. This investigation was part of the Treaty Education Outcomes in our Grade 1 classroom.
Several lessons this month focused on the various uses of buffalo (food, clothing and shelter) in the past. We had a visit from our knowledge keeper who shared various artifacts and explained their purpose. We read various fiction and non-fiction books. We studied the art style of Leah Dorion and created our own buffalo art pieces. We also went to the First Nations Gallery at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.

During our study on the buffalo we also focused on moss bags. We read books, watched videos and learned about the importance of the moss bag when caring for babies.

In the coming weeks we will focus on the Medicine Wheel,, the significance of the number four and Treaties.
Do you have any book recommendations for the Saskatchewan Treaty Outcomes?
Happy Learning,
2 Responses
I love the buffalo art! Where did you find the template?
Wowo, sure an eye opener, Hardly do we see such a strong and useful creature within our setting her in Africa. Your beautiful pictures had enlightened my curiosity thanks so much Lynda