This week we focused on the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We read several versions of the story in order to compare and contrast different story elements. We also watched several video versions to extend the comparison practice.
I added several play invitations for the children to retell the story. The children also used the magna-tiles to build the giants castle to retell. Allowing children choice in their play provides them opportunities to extend and solidify the learning as they need to – the magna-tile construction was not my suggestion, rather, it came from the children’s need to retell using a larger castle than the one I had provided in the story retelling invitation.
Jack and the Beanstalk Play Photos

We also planted bean seeds this week (not the magic kind that Jack had). Next week we will discuss plants in more detail.
Planting Photos

Books and Videos

Do you have book, video or activity suggestions to add to my list?
Happy Teaching and Learning,