My students have been talking about Halloween since the middle of September. I plan to take advantage of their interest in this celebration and weave in Halloween themed learning through my literacy, numeracy and play experiences.
When I’m plan on merging children’s interests with learning outcomes, I first look at the skills the students are demonstrating. I then look at the outcomes that the students are working towards and plan learning experiences that will support and scaffold them as they move along their learning journey.
I closely observe the children as they work with the materials and make changes based on what I notice. I ask myself questions such as “Do the children need more support to be successful with this task” or “Do they need more of a challenge to stay engaged with this task”.
Numeracy and Literacy Halloween Themed Learning Experiences
I am very intentional about the halloween themed planning activities and experiences that I provide for the students. The words of William Durant serve as a guidepost for me as I plan.
“Success breeds success”
I want the children to be energized by their success and feel motivated and inspired to continue learning.
Halloween themed Small World Play
“Small world play is an excellent opportunity for kids to expand their ever-growing language skills. From exploring new vocabulary to organizing ideas, and developing sequencing skills, small world play can support children in becoming effective storytellers as they narrate their miniature adventures.” Sticks and Stones Education
More Fun
Once the children explore these learning experiences, I will share what I notice and what I change.
Materials and Resources for Your Playful Learning Environment Materials and resources are essential for creating a playful learning environment. Don’t worry—you don’t have to buy