I love introducing the Gingerbread Man in Grade 1. We read books and compare and contrast the different versions. We work on recognizing story elements and enjoy the twists each version presents.
Today we started with the classic version of the story and followed it with a retell on the felt board. Later in the day we compared two other versions. These video links are included below (Jack Hartman’s version and Pancake Manor). These short and sweet videos both have wonderful song components. The songs invite children to sing along which increases engagement with the video and with the storylines.
Here are some of my favourite books!

Videos We Love
Play and Learn Opportunities related to the Gingerbread Man in Grade 1
Since December is a short and busy month, I hyper-focus our reading and learning activities on the same topic. We are in the Gingerbread Man Mode in Grade 1. Here are a few pictures of different play and learn opportunities.

Do you have favourite Gingerbread Man books, videos or activities?
Happy Learning,