Cold Conversations

Our first week back at school and the weather outside was Freezing! It was the perfect time to learn about all things related to cold. Our cold conversations ranged from dressing appropriately for the weather to animals and snowman and from the Arctic to the Antarctica.

Following the children’s interest in the cold meant putting my planned topics aside and weaving the our learning outcomes into a new context.

Cold Conversations – The Arctic and the Antarctica

Our first conversation led to locations on our earth that have many cold days. We read books about both the Arctic and the Antarctica and discussed the different animals that made these locations their home. The children were also interested in the Northern Lights. After these cold conversations, I set out invitations for the children to explore and represent their thinking – here are a few pictures.

Cold Conversations – Snowmen

We also explored books that discussed activities you could do in the snow. Making snowmen was a popular topic. Again, I set out materials for children to explore this idea and here are a few pictures from the week.

Snowman characters
cold conversation invitation to play
cold conversation painting on tinfoil


Here are a few of the favourites from this week

I will follow up this week of cold conversations with how animals adapt to this cold season. Do you have favourite books, videos or activities related to the topic?

Happy Learning,


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